Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Get paid to put ads on your site - WidgetBucks - The Adsense Alternative

For those who don't know how to make money using website ads (Skip it if you do, it's extremely basic): If you wish to make money with your website or blog, there are organizations that will pay you to display ads on your site. (More specifically they will pay you for each unique person that clicks the ad when visiting your site). To do this, you simply register with them, and after that you can generate some "code" which you simply copy and paste somewhere on your website, and it will generate ad boxes wherever you pasted it. There is no catch, tons of people do this, and it is completely free and benefits both sides. One organization that will pay you to display ads is called WidgetBucks, which is explained below.

Many of you know about Google Adsense. Adsense pays you to display ads on your website, put in simplest terms. But, Adsense can be quite hard to deal with, it is hard to register, it is hard to keep track of, and it is easy to get banned for doing absolutely nothing at all. That is why there is WidgetBucks, the Adsense Alternative.

WidgetBucks is an Adsense Alternative that DOESN'T suck (Example of sucky ad network: Chitika). Then perhaps you would be interested in WidgetBucks. WidgetBucks is way better than Adsense, WidgetBucks ads are nicer, and more interactive. When you position your mouse over an image appearing in the WidgetBucks ad, it gives you details about the product and "best prices" and such, this look is MUCH more appealing than Adsense ads and will draw more interest from visitors. Another thing I like about WidgetBucks that makes it a viable Adsense alternative is that it automatically gathers statistics about how well your ads are performing and rotates to higher performing ads more often, automatically improving eCPM (eCPM is a overcomplicated term for how much money you made relative to traffic on your site).

Now, you are going to be wondering: "Well that is all well and good, but what about the payout?". The payout is just fine and worth it, and pays similar to Adsense. But then you have to consider that WidgetBucks ads are far superior currently to Google's ads and display very high appeal and high quality products. In my opinion, Adsense more often than not displays products that I would consider low quality and I am surprised anyone buys them at all. You can also refer people to WidgetBucks and that works quite well too. Long story short, I make at 200-300$ a month from each of my websites from WidgetBucks alone, it really ads up if you have multiple sites bringing decent traffic.

Conclusion: WidgetBucks is good. I like it. It works. And I don't even need Adsense because of it. It has many advantages over Adsense, and is definitely more than viable as an Adsense Alternative.

If you want to try it out, I have placed a referral banner right below here, so just click that and hopefully both of us will make money. Registration is much simpler than Adsense, they can even pay you by Paypal (Adsense is against Paypal because Paypal is a competitor). Registration is fast, for me I was approved the next day. Here it is, I hope it works well for you as well.

Earn $$ with WidgetBucks!